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DEWETRON Application Examples

22/01/2021 | General, Whitepaper
DEWETRON Application Examples - The World of DEWETRON

DEWETRON’s data acquisition systems are capable to fulfill a wide range of tasks. Therefore, there is not one, but there are many different DEWETRON application examples. In other words, our customers are as diverse as they could be. Hence, our systems find use in areas like the aerospace & defense sector, the automotive industry, the energy & power sector and in manufacturing & industrial to name just a few. Similar to our systems and their functions, also the DEWETRON application examples expand. As a result, we are in the lucky position to frequently welcome new customers from various businesses who enjoy working with our systems, e.g. our power analyzers (figure 1). Thank you, for your trust!

DEWETRON's power analyzer

Figure 1: DEWETRON’s power analyzers (left: DEWE2-PA7, right: DEWE3-PA8)

As diverse as our customers are the requirements they are facing. For instance, while a high channel count is vital for some applications, others only need a low channel count. Additional channels would only increase the complexity of the system. Similarly, we provide highspeed data acquisition, external battery packs, systems for distributed measurements, stackable systems and much more. [To find a comprehensive and detailed overview, you can download our product guide.] As you can see, there are unlimited DEWETRON application examples.

However, we have decided to prepare a little overview of interesting work utilizing our systems. Verena Niederkofler, one of our product application engineers, prepared a whitepaper with four DEWETRON application examples. You can download the whitepaper below:

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If you are working on something interesting that you would like to share with others, we are happy to receive a message from you via [email protected].

DEWETRON application examples

This whitepaper discusses the application notes of four different organizations operating in varied areas. This includes the achievements by the following:

  • a working group for unsteady helicopter rotor flows
  • an institute focusing on propulsion technology
  • an institute specialized in the investigation of mechanics
  • a funded investigation for dynamic temperature and pressure measurement

Please note that the documents on which this whitepaper is based on are not related to DEWETRON. The companies prepared the application notes independently and DEWETRON did not instruct them to do so.

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DEWETRON is the Austrian manufacturer of high precision test & measurement technology. In addition to our wide range of data acquisition products, DEWETRON also develops its own measurement software – OXYGEN. OXYGEN is our powerful all-in-one software solution for various applications, such as order analysis, power analysis, FFT and it comprises even more features. To see an entire overview, please visit the OXYGEN page on our website.

To find out more about us, please visit our DEWETRON website. In addition to that, you can follow our updates (e.g. video tutorialswhitepapers and webinars) via LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook and YouTube.

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Figure 2: The new all-in-one data acquisition system DEWE3-A4

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