DEWETRON explains: Transformer Testing

The basics about transformers
The principle of transformers – electromagnetic induction – already exists for a long time. It was Michael Faraday who discovered it in the early nineteenth century (1831). However, many years of experimentation followed. It was only 54 years later, in 1885, that the three engineers Blathy, Deri and Zipernowsky took advantage of it and filed a patent for a transformer. Since then, the transformer has found wide application: Electromagnetic transformers find use for voltage conversion in power supply systems as well as in technical equipment. Nowadays, we use them in two ways. On the one hand, there exist step-up transformers that are commonly used to increase low AC voltages at high current. On the other hand, there are step-down transformers that are capable to decrease high AC voltages at low current.
Transformer testing
Similar to many other components that find use in the energy and power sector, the flawless quality and functionality of transformers is essential. Therefore, exhaustive testing is indispensable. However, when we talk about transformer testing, there is not one particular test. Instead, several measurements can be conducted. These tests include for instance an efficiency determination, the analysis of no-load characteristics, etc. Over the last years, DEWETRON developed a profound industry knowledge. Therefore, we prepared a whitepaper around this topic to share our know-how.
DEWETRON’s new whitepaper about transformer testing
In our whitepaper, our expert gives an overview of typical measurement tasks that come along with transformer testing. In addition to that, you can read more about the challenges and requirements you might face during the testing. Furthermore, she elaborates on the efficiency analysis of transformers and explains the inrush test – a fast event analysis.
In addition to our whitepaper, we prepared a video about the efficiency measurement of a step-down converter. You can watch it here.