Enhance your data analysis with OXYGEN’s robust math functions. Perform complex calculations with powerful formulas, analyze frequency data using FFT, CPB, and advanced filters, and gain insights into rotating machines with Order Analysis. For specialized tasks, use Modal Testing, Sound Level analysis, Cepstral Analysis, Swept Sine Analysis, and Rosette calculations. OXYGEN equips you with the tools to transform raw data into meaningful results.
Use the powerful math formulas to perform arithmetic calculations with your signals and data:
- Standard arithmetic operations and functions included.
- Trigonometric operations supported.
- Logic operations provided.
- Measurement functions like event count or stop math offered.
- Definition of reference curves in time domain possible.
- And many more

OXYGEN’s Statistics module offers statistical analyses of your data including:
- A wide range of different statistical quantities
- Different calculation types such as block wise analysis, moving average calculation, overall values or triggered statistics
- And many additional options

Experience top-tier frequency domain analysis with OXYGEN’s flexible and user-friendly FFT Analysis. Benefit from powerful instruments and math calculations to tackle any task:
- Freely selectable (not only 2N) number of input samples or line resolution
- Optional zero-padding for enhanced line resolution
- Various windowing and scaling types selectable
- Reference curves to visualize thresholds and warnings in the frequency domain
- STFT to visualize spectral changes in time

The CPB analysis calculates a Constant Percentage Bandwidth (CPB) spectrum. Choose octave, third octave, or twelfth octave band resolution according to EN61260. Select minimum and maximum frequencies, and apply A-, B-, C-, or D-frequency weighting. The result is an amplitude or decibel spectrum with a definable reference value and level.
- 1/1, 1/3 or 1/12 octave band resolution
- Acoustic weighting provided
- Blockwise or overall analysis
- Calcuation of energetic sum
- Easily copy and paste data into Excel

Different analyses and data sets require different filtering solutions. OXYGEN offers versatile filtering options with easily configurable IIR and FIR filters, suitable for various analysis needs.
- Filter types:
- Lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop
- IIR filters:
- Choose between Bessel or Butterworth filter type
- Selectable orders: 2nd, 4th 6th 8th or 10th
- Freely definable cut-off frequency
- Supports integration and differentiation
- FIR filters
- Freely definable filter length and selectable window type
- Data decimation for efficient lowpass filtering
- Supports multistage filter design
- Automatic filter delay compensation

Our Order Analysis module transforms OXYGEN into a comprehensive tool for analyzing rotating machine noise and vibration, providing frequency and order spectra vs. speed.
- Simultaneous frequency and order domain analysis
- Smart resampling algorithm for accurate and fast results
- Selectable speed ranges from 60 to 100,000 rpm
- Order resolution from 0.01 to 1, with up to 90 % overlap
- Order extraction for use in recorder or XY-instrument
- Visualize results in intensity diagrams

With OXYGEN’s Modal Test option, analyze the frequency characteristics of a mechanical structure to determine resonances and damping.
- DUT excitation via modal hammer
- SISO & SIMO tests with moving hammer and sensor
- Calculate complex transfer functions, coherence of hits, and mode indicator functions
- Interactive visualization options
- Export data into *.uff and other formats for post-processing

The Sound Level plugin provides real-time analysis of time-dependent sound pressure levels, energy equivalent levels, and customizable statistical sound levels. Transform your DEWETRON device into the perfect tool for analyzing machine acoustics, sound distribution in buildings, and long-term noise monitoring.
- A-, B-, C-, D-, and Z-frequency weighting (DIN EN 61672-1)
- Fast, slow, and impulse time weighting (IEC 651)
- Reference levels for air (20 µPa) and water (1 µPa)
- Overall and interval logging
- Audio replay feature with mute, volume, balance, and level meter controls

Cepstral analysis in OXYGEN provides advanced tools for audio and acoustic signal processing, ideal for applications like vibration analysis and seismic echo characterization.
- Calculation of amplitude, power, or complex Cepstrum
- Signal visualization in the Quefrency domain
- Liftering signals into low and high Cepstrum

Our Swept Sine Analysis module is perfect for structural analysis like shaker tests, helping you create Bode diagrams of your device under test.
- Synchronization from 1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Calculate total and fundamental amplitude and phase
- Support for multiple input channels per synchronization source
- Visualize amplitude and phase data in a spectrum analyzer as a Bode diagram

A strain gauge rosette describes two or more strain gauge sensors that are applied close to each other in dedicated alignments to analyze strain in different directions.
As single strain gauges can only measure strain in one direction, the application of multiple strain gauges provides the possibility of taking multiple measurements and thus being able to assess the strain on the surface being measured more accurately.
- 45°, 60° or 90° rosettes supported
- Freely selectable reference angle
- Wide range of strain and stress parameters calculated automatically