DEWETRON celebrates 30-Years Anniversary

We celebrate 30 years of DEWETRON!
DEWETRON was founded in 1989 and now celebrates 30 years of DEWETRON.
Everything started as a supplier for PC components and measurement systems. At that time, the market for computer-based measurement systems just started rising. There was a huge potential for the segment and it soon became the reputation as a growing market. Due to these favorable conditions and based on the existing knowledge, DEWETRON started to develop own measurement systems and measurement software.
Over the years, DEWETRON could expand from a local player to an international corporation. In 1993, the company launched their first PC-based data acquisition system. In 1995, DEWETRON launched the first test equipment for installations in cars.
With numerous innovations, DEWETRON was able to receive several awards over past 30 years of DEWETRON. We are particularly proud to announce that we could win the NASA Tech Briefs Award “Product of the Year” four times. In addition to that, DEWETRON won the Styrian Export Award in 2017. We are happy to supply countries like China, USA, Asia Pacific as well as the DACH region with our high-precision data acquisition systems.
Software makes the Difference
For a long time, the main criteria when buying a measurement system was the hardware. Continuously changing measurement requirements and customer needs as well as digitalization changed the demand. Therefore, it was a requirement to provide an exhaustive and user-intuitive software solution. During 30 years of DEWETRON, software became from a rather secondary role to the most important and crucial part of a measurement system. Software is now paramount for the successful development of components, constructions and also propulsion systems.
User of measurement systems are already familiar with intuitive software solutions which make handling of complex data acquisition hardware very easy. DEWETRON’s measurement software OXYGEN meets all these requirements.
Globally present in various Sectors
In the last 30 years of DEWETRON’s history, the company was able to launch several innovations and build trust among customers all over the world. DEWETRON could deliver more than 15.000 measurement systems with more than 350.000 measurement channels. Our data acquisition instruments found a place in the most well-known companies worldwide. One of DEWETRON’s strengths is to build customized measurement solutions that are ready-to-use. It is unique, that the data acquisition device can be easily adapted to the requirements of various sectors. Our customers work in the industrial area, the automotive or transportation sector as well as to the aerospace and power analysis industry.
What makes DEWETRON successful?
When DEWETRON’s CEO talks about the strengths of the company, he says: “We simply do things with the measurable difference.”
Modularity and individuality have always been part of DEWETRON’s philosophy: The best solution can be built for and together with our customers. The concept of modularly expandable test & measurement systems enables us to better fulfill customers’ requirements. We can find the right solution that matches the needs of our customers within a very short time-period.
DEWETRON’s in-house customer care team answers questions, provides trainings, calibration of systems as well as maintenance.
All measurement systems follow a strict production process which ends with a final quality check. All these steps happen through an experiences team at our headquarters in Grambach, Austria. For this reason, we are certain that we provide our customers only products of highest quality.
About the company, about 30 years of DEWETRON
DEWETRON is part of the TKH group. It is a worldwide operating company and employs a total of more than 120 people. DEWETRON has own offices in the USA, Germany, France and China. Furthermore, it also distributes measurement systems via 25 partners spread all over the world. All DEWETRON devices are produced according to high quality standards. Therefore, we are glad that we could qualify for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. It is important to add, that for DEWETRON, environmental concerns and quality management are not only legal obligations. For us, it is part of the company’s philosophy and all operating processes.